Influenza A Virus (Flu A) Antigen Rapid Tests
The Healgen® Influenza A Virus (Flu A) Antigen Rapid Test is a rapid, lateral flow immunochromatographic assay intended for the qualitative, rapid differential detection of influenza A virus nucleocapsid protein (NP) in samples including nasal swab, throat/oropharyngeal swab, anal/cloacal swab, fecal and milk specimen from animals suspected of IAV Infections.
(For Research Use Only)
- Rapid testing for Flu A antigen within 15 minutes
- Specimen type include nasal swab, throat/oropharyngeal swab, anal/cloacal swab, fecal and milk
- Quick procedure supports informed treatment deci-sions in veterinary practice
- All necessary reagents provided & no equipment needed
- High sensitivity and no cross-reactivity with leading respiratory microbes
- Inclusivity spanning various strains of Influenza A
- Developed using regionally and genetically diverse sources of viral samples
- 10 tests per kit
- Storage: 2-30°C/36-86°F
- Shelf life: 24 months
Test Procedures:
(Reference only, please strictly follow IFU)
Ordering Information
Product Description | Specimen | Catalog No. | Kit Size |
Influenza A Virus (Flu A) Antigen Rapid Test | Nasal swab, throat/oropharyngeal swab, anal/cloacal swab, fecal and milk | GCFLU(A)-1702a | 10 Tests/Kit |
Avian Influenza Virus (AIV) (H5) Antigen Rapid Tests
The Healgen® Avian Influenza Virus (AIV) (H5) Antigen Rapid Test is a rapid, lateral flow immunochromato-graphic assay intended for the qualitative, differential detection of H5 subtypes of AIV virus hemagglutinin protein in samples such as nasal swab, deep throat/oropharyngeal swab, anal/cloacal swab, feces and milk specimens from animals suspected of AIV Infections.
(For Research Use Only)
- Rapid testing for AIV H5 subtypes antigen within 15 minutes
- Specimen include nasal swab, throat/oropharyngeal swab, anal/cloacal swab, fecal and milk
- Supports quick and informed treatment decisions in vet-erinary practice
- All necessary reagents provided & no equipment needed.
- High sensitivity and no cross-reactivity with other Flu A subtypes
- 10 tests per kit
- Storage: 2-30°C/36-86°F
- Shelf life: 24 months
Test Procedures:
(Reference only, please strictly follow IFU)
Ordering Information
Product Description | Specimen | Catalog No. | Kit Size |
Avian Influenza Virus (AIV) (H5) Antigen Rapid Test | Nasal swab, throat/oropharyngeal swab, anal/cloacal swab, fecal and milk | GCFLU(AH5)-1702a | 10 Tests/Kit |
Avian Influenza Virus (AIV) and H5 PCR Kit
This kit is a real-time- PCR test designed for the detection of Avian Influenza A Virus (AIV) and H5 subtype of AIV in samples collected from birds, poultry, pets, livestock or wild animals suspected of AIV infection. The kit is intended for use as an aid for differential detection of infection with AIV and H5 subtypes of AIV in a single test. This test does not detect other types of Influenza viruses or other pathogens.
(For Research Use Only)
- M1, HA, and NA gene, three targets
- High sensitivity & specificity
- Pre-packed single reagents for less time and effort
- Store at room temperature (lyophilized) for easy shipping and storage
- Applicable with most open qPCR systems with three (FAM, VIC/HEX and CY5) fluorescence channels
- Wide range of specimen:
- Poultry: throat and cloacal swabs
- Cats, Dogs, Pigs: nasopharyngeal and oro-pharyngeal swabs
- Cattle: nasopharyngeal and conjunctival swabs, fresh milk
- Storage: 2-35°C
- Shelf life: 12 months
Ordering Information
Product Description | Catalog No. | Kit Size |
Fluorescence PCR Kit for Detection of Avian Influenza Virus (AIV) and H5 Subtype of AIV (Lyophilized) | F2002-BHG24 | 24 tests |
Fluorescence PCR Kit for Detection of Avian Influenza Virus (AIV) and H5 Subtype of AIV (Lyophilized) | F2002-BHG48 | 48 tests |